Perfecting your mid-flight beauty routine is both an art and a science. Here is everything you need to know-and pack.
If you’ve ever travelled on a long-haul flight, you know what it’s like to arrive at your destination feeling less than fresh—and that’s putting it mildly. Between the chapped lips, puffy undereyes, greasy hair (seriously, how does that happen so fast?) and surprise zit (same question), these nuisances can seem like an inescapable part of air travel. After all, they’re the direct result of an airplane cabin’s unique conditions: 40 per cent recycled air (!), with humidity that can be as low as 5 per cent. (For reference, most people find humidity levels of around 50 per cent to be ideal for maintaining happy skin.)
But knowing why your hair and skin take a hit on flights doesn’t mean the suffering is inevitable. Instead, use this knowledge as a packing list of sorts, ensuring that your carry-on is equipped with all the right tools to counter the unpleasant side effects of air travel. You may even arrive at your destination looking—dare I say it?——refreshed.

Ready to take (it) off? Remove any remnants of makeup or skincare with a soft cleansing wipe and then follow with an AHA-soaked peel pad to slough off dead skin cells.
If watching the clouds roll by proves to be more interesting than your airline’s cinematic offerings, think smart before window-gazing and apply your favourite SPF to protect your skin from damaging UV rays.
While everyone around you is scrolling through in-flight entertainment options, it’s time for you to become the in-flight entertainment. Enter a hydrogel mask. Keep an eye out for ingredients like glycerine that can perk up parched skin. And, yes, you might as well snap that selfie.
Struggling to stay awake for dinner service? Time for a spritz. Airplanes can be desert-dry, so look for hydration boosting ingredients like aloe vera and squalane to help quench skin’s thirst. And antioxidant-rich vitamin E will protect against all of the particulate matter floating around the cabin. (It’s best not to think too long and hard about that.)
Time certainly flies when you’re at cruising altitude! If you’re ready to try for some much-needed rest, tap on a nourishing eye treatment first. Look for a formula with caffeine to eradicate any telltale puffiness caused by low-quality sleep. Your lips will likely need some TLC, too, so slick on a juicy peptidepacked lip treatment before drifting off.
best smile ready for the customs officers. that you can hit the ground glowing. As you head back to solid ground, quickly smooth any staticky fly-aways with a nourishing mini hair treatment and swipe on your go-to lipstick shade as you get your While we can’t guarantee that jet lag won’t take hold, taking the time to pamper your skin in the sky means