Tissue paper templates Tissue paper templates are a quick way to take patterns of garments with a simple construction or to get an idea of the shape of a particular area of a garment when a full toile is not needed. For example, a garment where the size of the body can be accurately assessed…
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‘Draping’ method – Patterns and Toiles – Interpret and Display Historic Dress
‘Draping‘ method As with the ‘join the dots’ method, safely supporting the garment with tissue paper puffs and rolls also remains the essential starting point when using the draping method. This method too requires developing a light touch. In order to gain confidence when manipulating the muslin, it is good to practise this technique first…
‘Join the dots’ method – Patterns and Toiles – Interpret and Display Historic Dress
‘Join the dots‘ method This method is the most time-consuming and will take practice to achieve perfection as many measurements are needed. The pattern can be drafted directly on to the pattern paper alongside the garment. Choose a panel and locate the position of its straight grain, the warp of the fabric. If the fabric…
Tools for taking a pattern from a garment – Patterns and Toiles – Interpret and Display Historic Dress
Tools for taking a pattern from a garment As well as an appropriate tape measure, (see Chapter 5), a selection of the tools shown in figure 7.12 will be needed when making patterns. Figure 7.12 Useful tool for making patterns and toiles. © Images Author Photography Peter Greenland 1. Set squares, small and large –…
The straight grain – Patterns and Toiles – Interpret and Display Historic Dress
The straight grain In order to make a toile of any garment, the most essential thing to understand is the importance of the straight grain on the fabric from which it is made. Each panel of the garment will have its own straight grain and it is their relationships to each other that create the…
Patterns and Toiles – Interpret and Display Historic Dress
Patterns and Toiles Taking patterns of historic dress and making toiles is a complex and timeconsuming process which you will need to practise in order to perfect. However, it is well worth the effort as it is an excellent way to reduce the number of times a garment needs to be tried on when customizing…
Summary – Selecting and Preparing a Mannequin or Bust Form – Interpret and Display Historic Dress
If the cotton jersey is to be the visible cover at the neck, tuck the excess jersey inside the neck of the bust form and replace the wooden finial (neck cap) supplied by the manufacturer. Alternatively, a fabric cover can be made by cutting a disc of acid-free card to the size of the neck…
Making A Top Cover For A Torso – Selecting And Preparing A Mannequin Or Bust Form – Interpret And Display Historic Dress
MAKING A TOP COVER FOR A TORSO TO DISPLAY A SYMMETRICAL DRESS If the bust form has a very small waist and a full bust, leaving one side seam open 10–15 centimetres above and below the waist can make removing the cover easier (see figure 6.27). This would be especially useful for a mid–late nineteenth-century…
Raising The Waistline – Selecting And Preparing A Mannequin Or Bust Form – Interpret And Display Historic Dress
RAISING THE WAISTLINE When displaying a dress with a short bodice, or a separate bodice and skirt, it is essential to have the hip padding at the correct height to support the skirt and maintain the correct position of the waistline (see figure 6.16). Without firm support around the hips the skirt could slip down,…
Stitching – Selecting and Preparing a Mannequin or Bust Form – Interpret and Display Historic Dress
Stitching The most common stitch used when applying polyester wadding is ‘herringbone stitch’ (see figure 6.8). It is used to attach layers of wadding to the form and to sculpt them into the desired shape. A curved needle is used for his purpose (see figure 6.9b). Figure 6.8 Herringbone stitch. © Author. Photography Peter Greenland….