Above: The author and Santo Domingo in her François Catroux–designed home in Paris DEREK C. BLASBERG talks to LAUREN SANTO DOMINGO and MARTINA MONDADORI about living in spaces created by a pair of interior-design visionaries—RENZO MONGIARDINO and FRANÇOIS CATROUX—and the most important LESSONS they LEARNED from working with these LEGENDS of HOME Mongiardino. Catroux. Precisely…
Category: Life Stories and Insights
All posts are about life stories and insights
The people and ideas shaping the culture
From left: Shazam, architect Peter Marino, and Fox at a Tiffany & Co. event, February 2024; Fox, Shazam, and stylist Briana Andalore in New York, 2024; Fox, designer Willy Chavarria, and Shazam at a New York Fashion Week party, February 2024 ====================================== Housemates JULIA FOX and RICHIE SHAZAM on MOVING IN together, the beauty of…
Pensions you arrange for yourself – Life Insights
Pension schemes you arrange for yourself are always defined-contribution pensions, so all of the information in the last four sections applies (except there are usually no employer contributions). Anyone can have a pension scheme, and anyone else can pay into it for you – for example, if you’re caring for children or doing other unpaid…
Step into the Future 2
When I called out those things and heard them echo back, I jumped up and down. I fist pumped the air. I whooped for joy. Seriously. Anyone watching me must’ve thought I was crazy. But I didn’t care—the excitement was real! I was getting emotionally connected to my goal. I was getting it into my…
Step into the Future
A few years ago, a successful Manhattan realtor named Amy came to see me. She needed help, she told me, managing the high stress of her job. But the more she talked about her work, life, and family, the more I came to suspect it wasn’t work that was stressing her out. No, there was…
There Are a Hundred Things I Could Do!
But Which One Should I Choose? There Are a Hundred Things I Could Do You might have several things you want to work on. That’s great! For now, I encourage you to choose one. You can use the Mindset Reset process again and again, anytime, with any goal. The more you do each of these…
Finding Your Pearl
Shauna had found what I like to call her Pearl. Picture this: an oyster, minding its own little oyster business, somewhere on the ocean floor. A current in the water disturbs the sand around it, and a single grain gets lodged in its shell. The oyster has no way to get rid of it, so…
Choose a Goal
A few years ago, I had the privilege of working with Shauna, a stay-at-home mom whose dreams of going back to work had begun to feel impossible. “I left my career in finance eleven years ago to raise my children. When they were old enough, I started to homeschool them, ” she told me during…
How Do You Actually Do Moticise
I hope it will be impossible for you to read this book sitting down. Okay, not literally. But kind of. Throughout this book, I am going to do everything in my power to get you out of your seat. Why? Because sitting is a big part of what helps us go nowhere—or feel like we’re…
Why Moticise?
Stephen launched his business. I began prepping to launch mine. I knew I wanted to help people get unstuck in their lives, and I knew that both movement and mindset were essential to making real change. How could I use what I’d learned to help others? I started experimenting with different ideas based on my…